Selasa, 20 September 2011

Ilary Blasi to Vanity Fair

From I had little completed 18 years. I was veteran from Miss Italy and I wanted to take advantage of the moment. They proposed to me to rest to Lampedusa, I said yes without to think to us, I did not see nothing badly to us”. Ilary Blasi tells thus to Vanity Fair - than July dedicates to the cover in newspaper stand the 27 to them - a its old photographic service vaguely " scottante" , than the weekly magazine of Condé Nast it has acquired and decided to publish, not before but to have informed the showgirl, that its assent has surprised the writing giving: “It goes well, uses it to you. But it uses it to you in order to not always tell the girls that all we can make hauling, but c' it is the lieto fine
One repented having quickly accepted to make those photo? “Not. In that moment the money interested me, and they paid to me well. Me it seemed a good occasion in order to buy the machine to me. Instead, with the senno then, it was a fregatura that at a distance can also make badly

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