Selasa, 20 September 2011

Aida Yespica: nearly super mother sexy

Aida Yespica, pregnant to the seventh month of pregnancy, does not hide its better dowries and it is put in game without is made pudori. With the pancione Aida, knot more than ever, is still beautifulr and conturbante. E' the periodical ' Chi' to adjudicate this chicca, with Aida to show its new measure, a sixth flood of breast. E' the same Aida to comment its memento: " I have taken 17 chili and still lacks a month and means to the term. I watch myself and I say ' mother mine that grassa' , but for my child I would make of tutto". And it adds: " Great the beautiful child, has of the beautiful ones piedoni. Of the rest the papa is high and I am 1,78. The name? We will decide all' last, but I will not be able dargli the name of my father, Jorge, l' it has already chosen my sister for its son of two years and mezzo". The child will be born to Genoa, where now its companion Matteo Ferrari has moved itself after the contract in extremis with the Genoa.Poi Aida speaks about its sexiness: " He does not interest to me to be still a sex symbol. Calendars? Enough, to the maximum dressed with mine bambino".

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